Thursday, January 14, 2010


That's the word that pops into my head as I witness the amazing generosity of my friends and family. I've now raised 37% of my goal with the help of Sarah and Tim, and Chuck, Ally, Sam, Ben & Thomas.

I don't mean to sound completely corny, but I do get a little teary when I think how lucky I am.

However, I must point out that Chuck (my oldest brother) wasn't always so nice. Yes, he did torture me as only a big brother can to a little sister. Case in point: When we played our wiffle (spelling?) ball games in the backyard, I was assigned the role of permanent outfielder. My brother Matt was part of this little scheme as well. They also made up little songs about me (to the tune of "These are a few of my favorite things") that pointed out all my quirks. My father liked to think of these events as "character-building."

But I digress. The point is that my friends and family rock.

1 comment:

TriGirl 40 said...

They do - and you do, too. Hugs, SQ!