Sunday, January 11, 2009

Hello again

It's been over a month since I've written something on this blog. Lame, I know. I have been busy with holidays, travel, etc. etc. But, that's not why I've been absent.

I think I've been in a bit of a grieving period. I miss my (somewhat) healthy knees.

Heavy sigh.

I have gone through denial (way back in August), sadness (the blue period = Sept/Oct), anger (November & December) and finally...acceptance.

I am scheduled for knee surgery on Wednesday. I am not expecting miracles. I know my knees won't miraculously become the way they were when I was a youngster. But, I do have hopes that I can bike relatively pain-free again (although that my require some work on my other knee, too) and maybe even run a little.

It helped to have coffee with two of my original Trigirl training buddies (SanDee J and Carmen). We reminisced about doing the ACAC sprint tri in sub-freezing temperatures and competing at Naylor's with hangovers (I never said I was hardcore, people).

I loved doing those sweet, fairly short triathlons. And - I wasn't in bad shape, either.

And so, SanDee J and I are hoping to do the Pink Power sprint tri in August. It will be like old times again.

And that makes me smile.

Life goes on....thankfully.


TriGirl 40 said...

You can feel the acceptance and hope in your words.

Will be thinking of you on Wednesday.

katebott said...

Wishing you a smooth surgery and happy knees... you will be in my thoughts this week.

TriGirl Kate O said...

Do you have someone to come help you out either thurs or fri? Walk the Josie-posie, fix you lunch, pop you full of pills? Happy to help!

tri-ing races not cases said...

Will be thinking about you on Wednesday and best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Unknown said...

Kate O-
You are too sweet. I'll call if I need anything. I'll be @ Rick's Wed-Friday (no stairs to climb) and Josie is going to doggy daycamp while I'm recovering.


Jennifer said...

Just wanted to let you know I'll be keeping you in my thoughts on Wednesday! If you ever need to vent about post surgery stuff, just give me a shout! Hope everything goes well!

Ceeej said...

I know it's cliched, but Anita & I will be thinking about you tomorrow and sending warm thoughts your way.

Good luck!