Yesterday was a lovely day for a bike ride - even if you are like me and you haven't ridden your bike outside for months and months and months. I'm pretty certain that I haven't ridden outside since last July - kind of skipped the whole fall riding thing. Oh that's right...last fall I was under my own delusional plan to do "lots of road races." That really didn't go as I'd and learn.
Despite the constant headwind (at least it felt that way), the ride was gorgeous. We enjoyed a jaunt through Goochland, Henrico and Hanover (I think). I love riding out there - the scenery is pretty and the traffic is kind of riding. Is it my imagination or has West Creek turned into some kind of crazy traffic zone? I felt safer out on the country roads than trying to deal with hostile soccer families. I never have considered soccer families as hostile...until witnessing how they drive in West Creek. I guess they don't believe in sharing the road?
Anyway, I haven't ridden that far (50 miles) I will admit that I was pretty tired by the end. But it was that "good" kind of tired. The kind where you know you've really worked your muscles and cardiovascular system.
The day was capped off with a Richmond Spiders win (woohoo!!!) and dinner with some dear friends.
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