Monday, February 11, 2008


I am so happy to be rid of the flu. I forgot how draining the flu is since it has been years and years since that bug bit me. Yuck. From Sunday-Friday, I worked out 1.5 times. I did spend 45 minutes on the elliptical on Wed. I think that was a mistake since I felt even worse on Thursday. However, being a bit of a fool, I attempted strength and cycling on Thursday. I slumped through strength training (I'd like to apologize to everyone for my coughing and general malaise) - and made the wise decision (finally) to opt out of cycling. Rick, in his feverish state, skipped cycling, too. Molly told me that Thursday's power repeats on the bike were exceptionally tough. I probably would've fallen off my bike.
By Friday afternoon, I noticed my appetite had returned. I figured if I ate a decent lunch and dinner AND went to sleep early, I would be ready for Saturday's huge workout. We rode for 3.5 hours and followed that with an easy 3-mile run - which was followed by not-so-easy half-mile repeats (six repeats-ouch!). Even thought I felt worn out by the end of the workout, I was grateful that I didn't have to miss any of it. Yup - grateful.


Anonymous said...

So glad you're feeling better! Repeats, huh? So sorry I missed those.....

TriGirl 40 said...

Glad you are over the flu! Just think how good you'll feel for the next few workouts now that you are better and your body got some rest!